Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ina Jaffe’s article, “1968 Chicago Riot Left Mark On Political Protests”, exams the effects of the happenings in 1968 Chicago and compares the atmosphere of that Democratic National Convention to the (at the time of the article, upcoming) 2008 DNC. She notes similarities that range from tense politics, the unpopularity of the wars going on at the different conventions, and public protest of such issues. The article goes on to discuss in detail the events of 1968 Chicago . Accounts are given by witnesses and the familiar story of street violence is told. Not surprisingly, the impact of what happened on those August days and nights is lasting. Activist groups with names like “Recreate ‘68” are reminiscent of the enthusiasm seen at the Chicago protests and are trying to, hence the name, recreate the energy and sincerity of those protests of not only 1968, but the 1960s in general. According to those involved in those Chicago protests and planning to join the picketers for 2008, they remember their Chicago experience positively despite the fact that many interviewed got beat about he head or otherwise roughed up.
I thought that parts of this article were pretty similar to others that I’ve read about this topic. The article’s not bad, it just discusses many of them same things that others did. What I did find different about this article was its examination of the current feelings of those who were involved in the protest movement in Chicago . Another interesting nugget of information that I gained from the article was how the city of Chicago denied the protestors permits that had been requested months and months in advance. What this shows, in my opinion, is a desire by the organizers to do things legally and correctly by city standards and a stubborn move by the city government to ignore and deny the many formal requests for an opportunity express organized protest. As Tom Hayden, one of the organizers, explains, “We were used to the idea that authorities would stall on permits, but I think some of us thought that the permits would come through at the end, so we went forward”(Jaffe). Overall, I found the article to supplement everything I’ve already read, but also to add to them with a few extra facts or reports.
Jaffe, Ina. "1968 Chicago Riot Left Mark On Political Protests." National Public Radio (2008): n. pag. Web. 18 Apr 2010. .
Yippie Tactics

I watched a video, “Abbie Hoffman on Yippie Tactics – 1968”, that was an interview with famous Yippie leader, Abbie Hoffman. In this video he discussed what his plans for the Yippie involvement at the Democratic Convention were. He explained that they were going to use tactics of Guerilla Theater, where the protesters would act outrageously and theatrically to garner attention. “We’re gonna throw around a bunch of banana peels around
I really enjoyed this video. I was lucky to find it for one thing; most of the videos on this topic were photo montages set to some ‘60s folk singer song. This video, however, was very insightful. It allowed me hear to Abbie Hoffman’s ideas in a casual setting with no background shouting, chanting, or static as was common in most other footage of him speaking. The video also gave me a better idea of what kind of person Hoffman was and how that channeled into his drive for his cause of youth empowerment. He was basically a big kid himself; he planned to fill up water guns with a LSD/water mixture to shoot at the cops if they charged at him in
"Abbie Hoffman on Yippie Tactics – 1968." YouTube. Web. 15 Apr 2010.
The Policy of Yippeie

In the excerpt I read of Revolution for the Hell of It by Abbie Hoffman, the Yippie! plans for the
I found this small excerpt to be pretty interesting. If anything, the title of the book was enough catch my eye. Throughout the piece, I really enjoyed Hoffman’s use of effective yet common speech rhetoric. The content was pretty cool too. I’m not going to lie, the advertisement makes me wish that the event was something being planned for this summer rather than forty-two years ago. I also found it interesting how the goal of the convention was not only to protest the state of the nation, but also to bring factions of the counterculture together. It was, as Hoffman said, a method to bring the community together and get people with like goals but not of like mind talking. My favorite quote from the excerpt that deals with that is this: “The radical will say to the hippie: ‘Get together and fight, you are getting the shit kicked out of you.’ The hippie will say to the radical: ‘Your protest is so narrow, your rhetoric so boring, your ideological power plays so old-fashioned’ Each can help the other, and Chicago“(Hoffman). So basically, as the excerpt goes, I really like the overall feel of it. It has a sense of urgency with which it draws you in, and it has a feel of organization and order which is ironic, since its goal was to organize chaos.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Technology Petition
For my live interaction, I decided to do my own form of protest by writing up a petition against the unnecessary censorship of our school's internet. I figured this would be a good chance to not only do some similar things as those in the sixties, but also get some reactions from the student body about the topic of the school internet. It was a pretty neat experience- going around from lunch table to lunch table explaining the petition and asking the students' opinions on the subject. Every single person I talked to could relate to the problems with the web site blocking. One source that wishes to remain anonymous explained that the filter doesn't even do its job that well. "Porn is still accessible" he told me. I'm not going to take his statement with full seriousness, but he does point out the problem that while blocking innocent things, the filter doesn't always catch what it was designed to.
The reasons why I chose to a petition as my interaction are that I really didn't want to do an interview, I thought it'd be cool to protest something, and I didn't actually have the guts or a cause to actually PROTEST. This is similar to the Yippie's movement in that the subjects of both protests were disliked by a large majority of people. This is a stretch, I know. The Vietnam War and internet censorship are totally different, but it's the closest I could get. Overall, I found the activity to be beneficial for me to understand the process of discussing one's views with other people. So although not as drastic, controversial, or interesting as the Yippies, my small scale recreation helped me to better understand the guts they had. It took a lot for them to actually protest something worth protesting and be willing to get beat up in the process.